Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yesterdsay, my family and I went to anie and hayden's house to watch the grownups play croquet. Then anie made a fire, and she couldnt get it going so she got out a blowtroach helped. We also had pie, which anie,kristine, and catie went and got. After that anie got out some vidoes of the family, and kristine got all embarressed becuase Chris was in the room wanting to watch it.( The whole time watching it i was thinking maybe i shouldnt make fun of kristine's hair about how it looks now, because in that video it was sooo stupid looking......) Ohhh then anie came up with this idea that we should make this emo picture movie.....which after seening all the pictures aferward it looked really funny. Im not going to say the plot you will have to whatch the movie.......

1 comment:

Annie said...

I have almost finished the movie... It's so funny- I mean cool- ehh... word?
I'll send you the pictures.